A long history, combined with modern
manufacturing methods
Acme Jordan is a major manufacturer of melamine products in Australia.
Moving from timber household furniture to melamine products in 2013, Acme Jordan is now leading the manufacturing industry in producing household and commercial cabinetry for melamine pantries, robes and inserts, kitchen cabinets and components.
Custom Products and Services
One off products can include a range of contract cutting, shaping and furniture design and development. We also add value to MDF particle board and timber products by providing custom design, furniture fit outs, shaping, sanding and painting.
Our History
Acme Jordan has a long history when operations dating back to 1949 when 2 ex-servicemen set up a small factory in Ipswich. It is now one of the oldest and largest factories of its kind in Australia.
Acme Jordan is an organisation of professionally trained locals in all facets of production. We take pride in employing over 20 local people on a permanent basis and have workers who have supported the organisation for over 35 years.
Our People
An Australian owned company, Acme Jordan Pty Ltd is an equal opportunity employer. All employees are treated on their merits, without regard to race, age, sex, marital status or any other factor. Employees are valued according to how well they perform their duties, their ability and their enthusiasm in maintaining the Acme Jordan’s standards of service.
Acme Jordan strives to comply and exceed its statutory obligations to conduct its activities and provide an environment which ensures the protection of the health, safety and welfare of all people at our workplace.
The Acme Jordan Workplace Health and Safety Management System’s purpose is to ensure control policies and procedures are in place, and all employees and contracted persons are appropriately prepared to create and maintain a safe and injury free working environment.
Our company is committed to providing the opportunity for persons who are employed by us to participate in occupational rehabilitation programs in order to resume their normal place in the workforce sooner following injury or illness.

Our Major Partners
To discuss our wide range of products simply call us on (07) 3813 5555.